Risk of choosing the wrong CCTV system

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Risk of choosing the wrong CCTV system

We all see those video recordings on our local news channel that ask us to identify a burglar that was caught on CCTV.  The problem is that the majority of the time those criminals look like a block of colour that simply do not help in identifying them, so what is the point of spending the money on surveillance cameras for £400 if you can’t make out who robbed you.

Choosing the right security camera system is crucial when it comes to evidence for the police. The latest technology, IP camera systems, allow for crystal clear images that help identify those who have committed the crimes. IP technology allows you to purchase camera systems that will grow with you, analogue CCTV cameras have served their purpose as technology has moved on in recent years.

Throwing money at this technology will only backfire. Invest in technology that will continue to grow and stand the test of time. Saving money now will cost you later, so choose wisely when choosing your security installer. Look for a reputable accredited company who can demonstrate their products.

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