We are proud to sponsor Charlie & very proud of everything he has achievements so far.

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We would like to tell you a little more about Charlie,

Charlie is 13 years of age & a very dedicated young man, he decided he wanted to box from the age of 6 due to being a victim of bullying at school. Charlie had a bit of a rough time at infant school and when it came to transitioning to junior school he had a leavers assembly in which each child had to write on a banner what they wanted to be when they were older & Charlie wrote BOXER.

Unfortunately, back then Charlie had to wait 2 years until he reached the age of 8 to join his local boxing club. Charlie joined on his actual 8th birthday and whilst he was in his first session he fell over training outside banging his head and ending up at the hospital A&E but this did not deter Charlie as he made his mum take him back to the boxing club after leaving the hospital to let them know that he would be back the following week, and his passion then started for boxing.

Charlie was a member of his local boxing club for 2 years and enjoyed it immensely whilst he was there, but he decided he wanted to move clubs and so he joined a club in Hull under the coaching of Stevie Smith @ Hull Boxing Centre.
Charlie travels to Hull each night to train, after school and at weekends too if he has sparring sessions, he also travels to Bradford throughout the week for sparring sessions with other boxers from all over the country.
Charlies coaches help him immensely to tunnel his vision and talent to become the best boxer he can be.
Charlie has flourished at his boxing club and during this time he has become part of a close-knit boxing family, he has boxing friends from all over the country and abroad.

Charlie began to thrive in his boxing and his dedication and passion began to earn him titles.
Charlie is only 13 years of age, but he is already 3 x Hull Box Cup champion, 2 x Regional Champion, 2 x Yorkshire vs Dublin Champion.

Charlie has also attended training camps in Tenerife under the amazing coach Manuel Povedano @ Povedano Boxeo.
Charlie has trained alongside several professional boxers in training camp such as Ryan & Liam Walsh. Charlie recently attended York Hall in London to support Ryan Walsh a professional boxer he admires and was alongside professional boxer Tony Bellew at ringside to watch the boxing.

Charlie and Tony Bellew

Charlie has made so many friends along the way in his boxing journey so far & several of these young boxers he has actually been in the ring with as an opponent.
Charlies dedication is something to be admired at such a young age as he trains at least 5 x a week and spars all over the country and sacrifices his young social life to follow his boxing dream.

Charlie has also travelled to Ireland several times where he has competed in competitions.
We have sponsored Charlie now for several seasons, our continued sponsorship helps to pay for Charlie to travel from Scunthorpe to hull each night and to be able to travel all over the country to help him gain greater experience in the boxing ring with other talented young boxers and to also get the opportunity to train abroad, the sponsorship also helps with Charlie’s competition fees too.
Having our supportive sponsorship helps Charlie compete at the level that he does and to able to travel far and wide for training camps and competitive sparring.

Charlie’s dream is to become National Boxing Champion and to win the golden gloves which in turn will seal him a place to train with England Boxing. He aspires to be selected for the England Tri-nations boxing squad and to move onto the European Championships and then the ultimate goal is to be selected for the Olympics.

We hope to continue to support Charlie in his boxing journey and we are very proud of him and his achievements.

We will keep you updated on Charlie’s boxing life regularly, but for now, we wish him the very best of luck.

Team Charlie

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