Benefits of Using an Approved Contractor

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Security is a serious business, so when you’re hiring a third-party company to take care of things for you, you’ll want to be sure that you’re getting the very best. Not only do you need to know that you can trust them, but you should also check that they are fully up to the job, in order to keep your business totally safe and secure. Luckily, there’s an easy way that you can check for that- find out whether or not they have been officially accredited.

If a security contractor has been accredited by a professional body, then it’s a clear sign that they are a trustworthy, capable security provider. As well as checking that they are the real deal, this accreditation means that the company has to abide by a strict set of rules. Only the most capable of security companies qualify for SIA accreditation, so this really should be the first thing you look for when choosing a security contractor.

The SIA – or the Security Industry Authority, to give it its full name – is an independent organisation that reports directly to the Home Secretary. As the official regulator of the security industry, they are in charge of licensing every single private security firm- so they certainly know their stuff. As well as issuing standard licenses, though, they also have a voluntary scheme known as the Approved Contractor Scheme, or ACS, which sets apart the cream of the crop in the private security industry. It’s certainly a rigorous test since contractors need to be assessed against some 89 criteria of achievement. That means ACS approval shows that the company in question has a real track record of success – so you’ll know that their pitch isn’t just all talk and no action.

There are so many benefits to using an approved contractor, since only the cream of the crop reach this stage. With that accreditation under their belt, you can be sure that they only employ the most capable staff, and fully vet them before taking them on. What’s more, they also need to show a real dedication to high-level customer service, so approved contractors are guaranteed to go the extra mile to provide your business with the security service that you need. The SIA requires that their approved contractors offer customized services to suit each client’s needs, so it’s the smart choice for those looking for a tailored security service. Lastly, they are capable of working with the police and local community where necessary, to ensure that your business is always secure and under complete control.

So, how do you tell which contractors are SIA-approved? Well, that accreditation allows them to display the SIA logo on their website, as well as on their marketing materials. In addition, you can check the SIA database yourself. If you’d like to know more about what that accreditation means in practice, though, then the best thing to do is to simply ask the contractor – they will be able to tell you how their service can be of use to your business. It’s always worth asking private security contractors about what they have to offer- that way, you can be sure you’re teaming up with the perfect partner.

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